North and South Main Street (down to about 260 S. Main) were Route 66 in Miami. Address numbers higher than about 260 South were not Route 66.
The Hotel Vinita is at the corner of Wilson Street (Route 66) and Canadian in Vinita. The address for the Roundup Café in Vinita was “Main Street.” But there is no Main Street in Vinita so I think that the Roundup was on the main street (lower case) of Vinita, OK, which presumably is Route 66.
After 1932 Route 66 traveled through Tulsa on 11th Street until it left Tulsa to the west on Southwest Blvd. The pre-1932 alignment was on Admiral but we think very few matchbooks were distributed from businesses on Admiral to that time so none are included here. The Tulsa Holiday Inn claims it was on US 66 with an address of New Sapulpa Road but it looks to me that it was really on Interstate 44 and about 1000’ south of Southwest Blvd. The road once called Sapulpa Road I think was Southwest Blvd. so it was a legitimate Route 66 alignment (see Midway Courts and the Texas Drive In matchcover images).
The Lorraine Hotel in Sapulpa was at the Northeast corner of Main Street and Lee Avenue putting it one-half block south of Route 66 on Dewey Avenue. The Lorraine Hotel burned down in 1949 so the matchcover images you see are from before 1949. The matchcovers imply the hotel was on US 66 so they are included. The St. James Hotel was across the street from the Lorraine Hotel and also one-half block south of Route 66. Matchcover images from the St. James Hotel are included as it was mentioned in Jack Rittenhouse’s booklet “A Guide Book to Highway 66” published in 1946.
Main Street and West 4th Street were Route 66 in Bristow. There are some matchcovers listed without an explicit location given but because they were traveler-oriented businesses we assume that they were on Route 66, it being the main road through town. The Roland Hotel was mentioned in “A Guide Book to Highway 66”.
Route 66 was East 2nd Street and Broadway in Edmond. Martin’s Courts and the Royce Café are both mentioned in “A Guide Book to Highway 66.”
A linen postcard places Garland’s restaurant on Route 66 in Oklahoma City but it was actually one block south of 23rd on 22nd but we included the matchcover because of the postcard reference. The Split-V Charcoal Broiler references US Highway 66 so the matchcover image is included as well but the business was also one block off 66.
The Calmez Hotel opened on Route 66 in Clinton in 1929 and operated into the 1980s. It was demolished in 2000. The Granot Lodge was located at 730 South 10th and also on Route 66. Choctaw was the early name for what is today Gary Blvd. The Ramada Inn was on Gary Blvd. (Route 66).
The Plaza Motel in Elk City was located at 1320 West Third Street which was Route 66. I’m not sure where the Story Hotel was exactly located in Elk City. Because it was mentioned in Jack Rittenhouse’s “A Guide Book to US Highway 66” and the matchcover shows a stylized diagram of Elk City on 66 between Amarillo and Oklahoma City, we are including these matchcovers in the database.